
Alexander Innes - Jamaica Journal (1823-24)

ANZMapS - map viewers for putting Historical Maps Online

A set of viewers which can be used for putting Historical Maps Online.

Historical Maps Online viewers graphic

Frederick Douglass in Edinburgh and Scotland - map viewers


Family Portrait: the Scots-Italians 1890-1940

A map showing where Italians lived or worked in Scotland during the 1930s.

Family Portrait: the Scots-Italians 1890-1940 graphic

GB1900 place name project

GB1900 Graphic

The GB1900 Project created a detailed list of the 2.5 million place names on Ordnance Survey six-inch to the mile maps of Britain (1888-1913). The project ran between September 2016 and December 2017, successfully collecting 2.5 million names by volunteers.

The GB1900 dataset can be searched in our Georeferenced Maps viewer using the Search OS six-inch 1888-1913 names: box - read our Recent Additions for further details. The GB1900 dot distribution maps allow the initial results of the GB1900 transcriptions to be viewed. You can zoom in on any place name, click on it, and read the name. There are also demonstration distributions of features and names - for example, for quarries and collieries, 'Footpath' names, and Public Buildings. The dataset is freely available from the Vision of Britain data download page.


GREMLIN Map Viewers

GREMLIN Map Viewer Graphic

GREMLIN is investigating land use over the last 200 years for the Earlstoun and Holm Estates in the parishes of Balmaclellan, Dalry, and Kells in the Glenkens, Galloway.

GREMLIN is the Glenkens Rectified Estate Mapping and Land use Information Network. The project began in March 2023, with three main initial aims:

  1. to georeference and seam together 44 estate maps relating to the Earlstoun and Holm Estates
  2. to trace the land use from these estate maps, recording the land use parcels as shown on the maps
  3. to present these layers of estate mapping and land use information in online viewers

Read help about the viewers and further information on land use.

This is a collaborative project between the Dumfries Archival Mapping Project, the Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership, and the National Library of Scotland.


Historic Maps API layers

A set of detailed historic map layers for use in other websites

API Graphic

These seamless historic mapping API layers provide:


New (July 2024) Historic parks in England, 1890s-1900s

Explore historic parks in England between the 1890s and 1900s.

Woodland in Scotland, 1840s-1880s Graphic

Irrigation Tanks in Southern India

The Irrigation Tanks in Southern India viewer is part of a PhD project studying water histories and digital mapping in the Kaveri river catchment

Irrigation Tanks Graphic

Lesmahagow Place Names Database

A map-based interface to a detailed gazetteer of place names in the old parish of Lesmagahow

Lesmahagow Place Names Database

MapReader - Railspace and Buildings Datasets Viewer

A viewer for the MapReader railway infrastructure and buildings point datasets

MapReader buildings and railways point datasets

Thomas Pennant map tours viewer

A viewer showing the itineraries of Thomas Pennant and his Tours to Scotland, 1769 and 1772

Thomas Pennant map viewer

Place and Poetry in Premodern Scotland (Due for completion: August 2024)

View maps exploring the locations of places within several early-modern Scottish poems

Place and poetry in premodern Scotland Graphic

Scotland - Land Use viewer

A split-screen map viewer for comparing 1930s land use with 2015 land use

Scotland - Land Use viewer

Scottish water mills website

A viewer for showing the locations and details of over 9,000 mills in Scotland in the 19th century

Scottish water mills website

The Stevenson Maps and Plans of Scotland, 1660 - 1940

Stevenson Maps and Plans of Scotland, 1660 - 1940

Stornoway and environs historic maps, 1780s-1960s / Mapaichean eachdraidheil Steòrnabhagh agus mun cuairt, 1780s-1960s

Stornoway and environs historic maps, 1780s-1960s

Visualising Urban Geographies

A project that provides mapping tools for historians.

Visualising Urban Geographies Graphic

Visualising Urban Geographies combines geo-referenced maps with historical information:


Woodland in Scotland, 1840s-1880s

Explore woodland in Scotland between the 1840s and 1880s.

Woodland in Scotland, 1840s-1880s Graphic