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Pont Maps of Scotland, ca. 1583-1614 - Pont texts

Glen-Elcheg; Loch Aelsh; Glen-el

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Pagination: 120v-121r

Transcription of text:

Killewlan is upon the southeast syd of the salt loch of Loch-long. a myl thence is Achacharn, a myl from thence Achacharne meanach. a myl thence Achacharn-ocrach from thence 2 myl Achacharn Rogan with Loch Achachowrin

Duilik is a seat in Bra-Glen-Elcheg. 2 myl from Achachowrin is Maimmaig
Item the cowntrey of Kantell is devyded in twa parts viz Letyr-Aren neerest Loch Duich and Letyr-Choylle neerest Glen-Elcheg.

Avon loing falleth in Loch-loing, a salt loch, out of Glen-loing and is 10 myl long. Ther are two Loches upon Avon loing, Loch-Awich neerest the brae or head of Glen-Elcheg, within 4 myl to the brae of Glenelcheg, the said Loch Awich is a fresh water loch of 3 myl long and moir with certan yles in it, and sum sheals in the glenn about it, with hils and wood, the othir loch is cald Loch Monery, the moss hils and wildernes of Monie-Rioch, marchis hard on the southeast syd of Loch Monery. Loch Monery is be north Loch-Awich and is 3 myl long (but I do suppon rather that this Loch Monery falleth in the head of Ferrar or rather of Connel as wilbe specified afterward. The said Loch Monery hath ane yland or two, with wood and high hils about it.

Upon Awich is Cory-Awich, 3 myl thence down is the seat of Cory-gowen, 3 myl thence Nonach upon the mouth of Loyng. 2 myl thence Con-ocra. Item the town ovir aganis the castell of Ylan-donan

About the kirk of Combrich al alongs is a very rough cowntrey, being as it wer a cory of hils, hard to travail in it even upon foot. it hath a fair hieland kirk, wher hath bene a girth (or asylum) as the name importeth. its cald Apil-cors kirk

Loch Aelsh
Tua myle from Con-ocra above sayd is Ardelu, twa myl thence Achinnacloich with a water and great wood. 2 myl thence the kirk of Kilchoen in Loch-Aelsh. 2 myl from Kilchoen is Bal-mac-cairen with a burn betuix them, and also the burne of Alt-Mac-cairen. 3 myl thence is Achinnadarroch. 2 myl thence Duremness. 2 myl thence Derbissaig fornent castel Chewlis-Akin. Item 2 myl from Derbissaig is Creig, from that a myl is Barnesaeg, upon the mouth of Avon Hasgeg, whiche runneth throwe Strath-Hasgeg, a myl thence Achaglen, 2 myl thence Mameg the uppermost in Strath-Hasgeg. Tua myl above Mameg is Loch Nonach besyd Nonach above specified. Item from Barn-seg Moir and Beg in Strathasgeg a myl betuix them. thir mekle of the salt loch Aelsh the cowntrey perteyning to it is almost all fyn green grownd with reed soyl, hillish, and banks weel stored with water and wood.

From Canloch-owrin and Barisdail, the first town in Glen-Elg, calld Auchacharne is distant 3 myl. from thence four myl Glenbeg with a water falling in Loch-owrin thrie myl from Achacharne. the said Glenbeg is 3 myl long environned with hils and woods. Item from Glenbeg is Childeg a myl upon the mouth of the water of Glenbeg. ther ar but twa towns more in Glenbeg.

Item from Kilchonen is Achmacre in the mids of Glen-elg. Item from Childag a myl is Glen-moir 5 myl long, a myl from Childag is Kilchonan with a kirk, half a myl thence Barnsaig moir, half a myl thence Barnsaig Beg, twa myl thence on the uthir syd of the water of glenmoir is Achintoul, 3 myl. thence Achacharn with a loch twa myl long cald Loch Sell falling in Glenmoir burn, environned with hils and woods, in Glenshel 3 or 4 towns.

Upon the southsyd of Glenbeg water falleth in the burne Achaglein, ther ar twa Achagleins upon thir syd and the yonnder syd of the burn.

Item north from Kilwhonan 2 myl is Leadgachulle. Item ther lacketh heir about 10 seats in Glenelg. A myl from the former Achacharn lyeth another Achacharne under Bin-Achacharn upon the north syd of Bra-glen- moir.

Item 3 myl from Chewlis Re at the mouth of Loch Dowich is the seat of Toldowy.

Item the march betuix Glenelg and Kan-tell is the seat Rosaig a myl from Toldow Dowi upon the southsyd of Loch Dowich.