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Pont Maps of Scotland, ca. 1583-1614 - Pont texts

Glendochart; Glen Lochay; Forrests in thir bounds; Glen Wrchay

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[This is the draught of the river of Dochart, the springs wherof ar very smal way from the springs of Shiro river, which being but a smal river falleth in the head of Lochfyn in Cowel in Argyl not far from the fall of Avon Fyn in the said loch, it runeth from west to east almost, but sum to the north.]

Nixt Carndrum whilk is the brae of Glendochart upon the north-syd is Achantuym. Item upon the southwest or westsyd of the fute of Binluy is Avon Cononesh, whilk is the head spring of alt Dochart, it is 5 myl long. Item at the syd Bindochary a hie hill, and a myl above Strafillen is corie-chuirk with firr wood and uthir timmer and 4 or 5 sheals. Item upon the backsyd of Binn-Luy is Glen-Shiro with the forrest of Binnluy, lying betuix Glenshiro, and Glen-Rara. nixt Cory-chuirk is Acharioch a myl distant. Heir do meet Conenesh and Ederik and Corie-Chuirk at Acharioch, fornent and ovir aganis Strafillen. nixt is Ewich a myl from Acharioch. Item the water of Ederik 3 myl long betuix Strafillen and Loch Dochart. Item Cory-herif 2 myl from the former with alt Terif a great burne 2 myl long. 2 myl therfra Innerarduran with Avon Arduran falling out of Strick Arduran and Cory-Arduran 5 myl long, the said avon 2 myl stil be east, on the south syd falling in Loch Dochart, be east the yland is Innermonochil. Item Loch Dochart is 5 myl long having pearlis and lardhergan in it. Item Cory-gewrach 3 myl be east the former with a great burne falling down from Bin-moir with wood upon it, it entereth the river Dochart be east the loch. Item upon the northsyd of Ederig is Achanaturig, a myl thence Charchie with a burn cuming throw a glen 4 myl long called Keul-glen with good shealings in it. Item falling in Keulglen, befor it enter in Ederig is Alt cory-hewnan, upon the westsyd of Bin-halloin. Item 2 myl thence Strafillen, whair ar the ruynes and monuments of a fine kirk and relicts off Fillen, the marveils of the graves therof ar knowne, a myl thence Balindeer with a burne, a myl thence Duynish, a myl thence Leyragan at the lochsyd of Dochart a myl thence Ewyir at the head of Loch Ewyir a myl long with ane yland and sum ew trees in it. At the east end of loch dochart 2 myl be east that is Achaessen with a great burn 4 myl long cuming out of Loch Essen 2 myl long. 2 myl thence Creigewran with alt Trebuyl 2 myl long, cuming the way from Glen-lochay, and falling in Dochart. 2 myl be east that Inchewyn, 2 myl thence Lyn, with 2 burns falling in Dochart 4 myl long over in one the westermost cald Achalyn the eastermost Alt Darnaske with Ardnaske seat upon it. 2 myl thence Kreitchoish, a myl thence Craig na whirr, 2 myl therfra. stil east Craigvain. a myl thence the kirk of Killyn, whair Dochart falleth in the west end of Loch-Tay.

Upon the southsyd of Dochart 3 myl be east Corygewrach is Suy with a small burn. 2 mylle thence Eddira-wenneach with a woddie burn 4 myl long, falling from the skirts of Bin-moir. A myl therfra Lead-charry with a burne 3 myl long. a myl thence Ardchaillie Ocrach and Icrach, with a burn 4 myl long, a myl thence Leyck, with a great burne cuming out of Loch Killen and falling in Dochart. A myl thence Achacharne, a myl thence Chlewich a myle thence Kinauty, hard by is Achamoir with a burn cuming out of Lochenabrecolich, the loch 2 myl long, the burn 5 myl long. a myl thence, Innerokchirt with a great wood of oak, heir Dochart entereth in Loch Tay.


[Thir river falleth in the head of Loch Tay not 1/2 a myle north from the mouth of Dochart and the kirk of Killyne is betuix thir mouths. it cumeth from the nordwest and west nordwest]

The uppermost place upon Lochy on the north syd is Keanknok, it is only 5 myl from Achanich-galdan. Keand-knok is 5 myl above the kirk of Kyllyn. Item ther is Pittoworny with a burn 4 myl long falling from Bin-Gyroy a hie mowntayn 2 myl thence Dalgyrdy. 2 myl therfra Dumchroisk with a burn 4 myl long. 2 myl thence Creig, being 2 myl be east Finlarig castell.

Upon the southsyd of Lochy water is Dal-gheirach with alt Gyrach 2 myl long, Item Cory-Charnuch with a burne 2 myl long and wood. Item 3 myl to west Finlarig, upon the north syd of Lochay is Murrulagan with a burne 2 myl long, a myl east therfra is Mou-yirlonich, nixt therto is the Kirk of Kyllyne

Forrests in thir bounds

first is Cory-ba in Bra-glen-crevirne. Item Maim Laerne is the kings forrest very riche in deer, lying upon Brae-Wrchay, Brae-Lyon, and Brae Lochy 10 myl of lenth. Item Bin Dowran a forrest in Bra-glen-wrchay 5 myl long. Item the head of Fallacht river whiche falleth in Loch Aw, cumeth out of the skirt of Bin-Lhuy.


The river Wrchay falleth in the nordeast end of Loch-aw, it is composed of thrie brannches, the sudermost is called Kaldaw, then Kinlash and Koynlie. Urchay cometh out of Loch Toelle twa myl long, at Achachalladyr, and meeteth with the former waters at Inner-Gawnan with Avon Gawnan, the water Kinglash falling from Bindawran is 8 myl long, the uther waters forsaids 5 myl long every one. Seats in Glen-Wrchay ar Castell Chulchurn. 2 myl thence Stron-Meulachan Mack Gregoir his hous. A myl thence Clachan Disert with a kirk. 2 myl thence Kory-goil with a burne entering in Lochy river, whilk is 12 myl long.