Historic parks in England, 1890s-1900s

Corrections Examples - showing historic parks to include and exclude

Due to the automated processes used to extract the historic parks layer, some revisions are still needed. We are inviting volunteers to easily record corrections they spot in the viewer.

Following the initial image detection work to identify stipple (indicating parkland), the following rules were applied to generalise / simplify the parkland layer:

The following examples illustrate these rules and provide more details on the types of parkland to be noted in the Correction Panel for inclusion or exclusion, as well as parkland to be ignored (ie. not noted in the Corrections Panel).

Missed parkland to add

Green tick symbol = Parkland represented by black dots (stipple), which is more than 1 hectare / 10,000 metres2 in extent. You can measure areas with our Measurement Tools to check they are larger than 1 hectare / 10,000 metres2

Example of missed parkland to add

Parkland which has been wrongly included

Red cross symbol = Parkland which has been wrongly included (eg. inter-tidal mud), or other dots and marks on the original map which are not part of the 'parkland' stipple.

Example of mud which has been wrongly identified as parkland

Areas which should be ignored

Block symbol = Areas which should be ignored as they don’t follow our definition of parkland:

Go to Historic Parks Overlay viewer.