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Your placename search for Inchkeith returned 3 records.

Ordered chronologically (undated items first).

Description: Lighthouses - Inchkeith. Section of the Inch Keith Lighthouse.
Place: Inchkeith
County: Fife
Subject: Lighthouse
Colour: Colour
Media: None
Object: Flat
Physical: Paper
Size: 760 x 520 mm
Shelfmark: Acc.10706, 314
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Description: Lighthouses - Inchkeith. Elevation of the Inch Keith Lighthouse.
Place: Inchkeith
County: Fife
Subject: Lighthouse
Colour: Colour
Media: None
Object: Flat
Physical: Paper
Size: 760 x 515 mm
Shelfmark: Acc.10706, 315
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Description: Lighthouses - Inchkeith. Plan of the Island of Inch Keith showing the site of the Lighthouse. Surveyed 1813.
Year: 1813
Place: Inchkeith
County: Fife
Subject: Lighthouse
Colour: Colour
Media: Linen/Cloth
Object: Flat
Physical: Paper
Size: 840 x 610 mm
Shelfmark: Acc.10706, 313
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