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Your name search for Coode returned 3 records.

Ordered chronologically (undated items first).

Name: Coode, John, 1816-1892
Description: Electro-Magnetic Light. Drawing of Magneto Electric machine with Allen engines, 1866. J Coode.
Year: 1866
Subject: Machinery
Colour: Colour
Media: Linen/Cloth
Object: Flat
Physical: Transparent paper
Size: 445 x 555 mm
Shelfmark: Acc.10706, 616
Zoom Into Map:         Click on the map to view in greater detail.

Name: Coode, John, 1816-1893
Description: Electro-Magnetic Light. Engine house, Fuel Store, etc, of General Application, 1866. J Coode.
Year: 1866
Subject: Machinery
Colour: Colour
Media: Linen/Cloth
Object: Flat
Physical: Transparent paper
Size: 610 x 620 mm
Shelfmark: Acc.10706, 617
Zoom Into Map:         Click on the map to view in greater detail.

Name: Coode, John, 1816-1894
Description: Electro-Magnetic Light. Arrangement of Engines, Driving gear, MEL machines and foghorn pump, 1866. J Coode.
Year: 1866
Subject: Machinery
Colour: Colour
Media: Linen/Cloth
Object: Flat
Physical: Transparent paper
Size: 1050 x 620 mm
Shelfmark: Acc.10706, 618