Woodland - OS Six-Inch Scotland, 1840s-1880s

Corrections Examples - showing woodland to include and exclude

Due to the automated processes used to extract the woodland layer, some revisions are still needed. We are inviting volunteers to easily record corrections they spot in the viewer.

The following examples provide more details on the types of woodland to include and exclude, as well as woodland to be ignored (ie. excluded) in the Woodland Correction Panel.


Green tick symbol = Woodland which follows any of the three woodland symbology types and is two or more rows of trees wide, and in a block which contains more than ten trees. *

Red cross symbol = Woodland which has been wrongly included (ie. scattered trees, rocks, marshes).

Block symbol = Areas which should be ignored as they don’t follow our definition of woodland (ie. scattered trees or small woodland clumps containing less than 10 trees). *

* Generally, areas of woodland to be added should be over 2,000 metres2 in extent (0.2 hectares), which you can measure with our Measurement Tools.

Balmashanner Quarries

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Balmashanner Quarry - examples of woodland to include and exclude


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Guynd - examples of woodland to include and exclude


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Wells - examples of woodland to include and exclude


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Wells - examples of woodland to include and exclude


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Sithean Buidhe, by Loch Caolisport - examples of woodland to include and exclude


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Knapdale - examples of woodland to include and exclude


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Dunans - examples of woodland to include and exclude

Drynain Glen

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Drynain Glen - examples of woodland to include and exclude

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