Map of Public Buildings in Great Britain 1900s is an interactive tool for exploring the diversity and distribution of the country's public buildings in the 1900s. In this guide, you will learn the website’s key features to help you get started.

Explore the Map

The sidebar is the main control area for the website. You can use the drop-down list and option buttons to change the information displayed on the map.

Types of Public Building: This drop-down list provides 14 options for displaying different types of public buildings. The locations of the buildings are represented by circular markers on the map. The markers are coloured coded according to the general purpose and use of the building.

Population Density: This setting provides options for displaying choropleth maps of population in Scotland, England and Wales. You can turn on or off the choropleth maps by selecting or deselecting the checkboxes.

Background Map: You can select historic map or modern maps as background. The default background map, "Ordnance Survey Maps, 1900s" is a seamless zoomable layer consists of a series of historic maps at different scales. This map layer starts at 1:1 million scale, providing simple backdrop mapping covering the whole of Great Britain. To see public buildings in detail, zoom in to the OS six-inch layer. As you zoom in, you can check the scale of the background map being viewed using the status bar at the bottom of the map.

Map Controls

In the upper-left hand corner of the map, you will find zoom controls. You can zoom in or out of the map with the +/- buttons or by using your mouse or trackpad to get more details about a place. You can also use the zoom slider below to adjust the zoom level.

You can restore the map's default extent by clicking "Zoom to extent" next to the scale bar (bottom-left).

Map Viewers

In addition to the map on the Home page, the website provides two different map viewers. You can find them in the navigation bar.

Side-by-Side Viewer: In this viewer, you can compare the distribution of selected buildings in split-screen mode.

Spy Viewer: In this viewer, you can view selected buildings and historic map layer against modern maps or satellite layers through a spyglass window. You can alter the size of the spyglass and the opacity of the historic map layer with the sliders in the sidebar. To get the coordinates of a place, hover the mouse pointer over the map, the information will show up in the top-right message box.