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Pont Maps of Scotland, ca. 1583-1614 - Pont texts

Cowell (continued)

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Pagination: 85v-86r

Transcription of text:

Lismoir is ane Iland of eight myles of lenth, and scarsse one myle of breadth, most fertill in cornis, and fishes taken in the nearest sea, heir wes the seat and dwelling of the old Bishops of Argyll, who from thir had thair denomination of Lismorensis episcopus, being neerhand equidistant from the limits for Cantyre Argyl Cowell and Lorne wer upon the southhand, and Morverne Swynord, Ardnamurquhan and Mudeor and the Ilands of Inchegald upon the westsyd. Lochabyr, Arisaick, Murrours, Knoydeor and Glen-Elg on the north. Ther wer auncient bishops of the race and name of Clan-vick-gillemichaell. After them succeeded uthirs of uther races, wherof one being about to putt of sum gentlemen from offices whiche they and thair predecessors had held long of the Bishops, wer killed be the said Clan-vick-gille-Michaell. Wherwpon the following bishops left off all residence and dwelling in that Ile. The paroch Churche of that Ile whair the bishops had ther residence is cald Kilmaluag. Many Iles ar upon the southeast syd of Lismore wher wild fowls do hatche and nest. Manie Ilands ar also scattred rownd about it, all ar for the most part rough, craggie and desirt, the neighbouring sea riche in fisches.

Durrour is the nixt cowntrey to the Appin. thair is one chappell therin cald Kilchallum-kill, there is one Iland ovir aganis it cald Iland Baillanagowne, rough and full of wood, it hath upon the sowtheast a good haven for shipping and another upon the west therof. Thir cowntrey of Durrour extendeth to 30 merk land, it hath two small rivers in it, one called Avon Chultin, the uther Avon Durgur, thai cum from the southeast, and doo run west. Salmond ar in thois smal rivers. ther is one glen in the cowntrey throche whiche the river Chultin runneth. ther ar onlie 3 towns in the said glenn, one upon the southsyd, one at the head of the glenn, and the third upon a hill whiche is betuix it and the rest of the cowntrey.

Glencoen is the nixt cowntrey to Durrour eastwards, it is 20 merk land pertyning to a gentleman of the race of the Clan-doneil. it hath one river running throch it called Coen falling out of a small Loch called Loch Trighittane, from the east, and goeth nordwest to the sea, thir river hath salmond fisching also. The sealoch wherin it runneth is called Loch lieven, whiche Loch-lieven goeth up 7 myles from the ferry of Bale-Chewles, or therby, it devydeth Lochabyr from Glen coen, a river called lieven falleth in the head therof and giveth name to, it, in that loch or bay is ane Iland cald Iland Moune, which hath the paroch church therin. Thir church hath 70 merk land pertyning therto. Loch lieven and the cowntrey about it after Glencoen is a part of Lochabyr, it is inhabited be sum towns and villages up a piece of the said river.

Mamoir is a cowntrey of Lochabyr, it hath Lochlieven upon one syd, the long bay of Lochyell upon another syd, then the river Nevesh and upon the last syd ar the hills, looking the way to Rennach far of, and all betuix wast grownd taken up with hills mossis and deserts.

Innerlochy doth ly a myle from the mouth of Nevess build as is supposed be King Eugenius, certanlie it is most old and wes sumtyme the habitation of the kings, standing in a most commodious seat both for sea and land. hard by it is the hill cald Bin-Neves one of the hiest (if not the very hiest) of all the hills of Scotland, and so much the more to be admired as it joyneth not to any hie hills or is set in anie desert, but in a good cowntrey and hard by a long bay.

Glen-Neves lyeth along the river nevess, plentifull according to the cowntrey and litle inferior, it is ten merk land (for al Lochabyr is onlie 160 merk land aItho the cowntrey be both good and large) and is devyded in twa parochins. the southsyd of the river is of the paroch of Iland Mown, and the northsyd is of the paroch of Kil-ma-nevag which is at the end of Loch lochy.

Loch lochy runneth the way from Lochness, twell myles long, of breadth a myle for the most part, it cumeth from the north and northeast, and looketh to the south and southwest.

At the end of Loch yiell is a litle river called Keand lochyiell, cuming from the northward, among rough grownd, ther is plentie of great firrwood, but difficult to transport and on the north syd therof great store of fair oaken wood, and spceally one fair wood, ther ar in Loch-yioll manie small glennis fitt for pasture. Not two Myles from the Churche of Kilmaille whiche is at the syd of the loch, ovir aganis the Iland cald Loch-yioll, is the castell of Torriechastell, upon the west bank of the river Lochy. Sum supposs thir to have bene the place of Berigonium so much spoken of in our old monuments, how truelie or upon what grownds I cannot judge. The clan-chameron the cheeff inhabitants alledge themselvis to be cum of the Danis, and thair first habitation to have been Glendarvan in Argyll, and at that tyme that they were called Sleick-Allen-wick- Oggri-wick-Millananay-wick-Ardan &c.

Glenluy or Glengluy is after, a draught of land upon the river Luy or Gluy which cuming down betuix the river of Roy and Lochlochy falleth in the said loch.

Upon the uthir syd of Loch lochy to the west therof is loch-Argaig sum twell myle of lenth and not one myle of breadth, upon the southsyd of thir loch ther is a firrwood upon fourteen myles of lenth and upon the northsyd fair oaken wood, the cowntrey about is fitt for pasture, but no cornis heir. the river Airkgaig cuming from the loch, falleth after short running in Loch-Lochy at the nordeast head of Locharkaig ar two glennis viz Glenpean and Glendessorie, the river pean hath pasture and salmond.     Continued